Thursday, December 30, 2010
I love my bestie
Monday, November 15, 2010
wrong direction
Anyway, I finally broke the news to company that I've temporary stopped schooling until I sort out what I really want for myself. Or I should put it this way... What God wants for me. I want it to come effortlessly because only then, it is from God and I know Daddy loves me too much to keep me waiting. It will come to me soon.
Coaching is going up to my neck. Thank you Daddy for the never ending favor upon me. I had a quick conversation with Leslie about work last Sunday & he reminded me that I can pray that my company will raise another me. I was like: "AMEN!".
For so long my company have open up a vaccany for a same post as my job. I've also been looking out for possible candidate to take up this post. Last Sunday, I realized I haven't really prayed about raising another me. It's impossible to get someone in & immediately take up a post like mine. It takes alot of training. I myself took about a year to be able to go around coaching on my own with good quality.
I've been too concern about asking people and looking out for potential coaches. Somehow I guess God dont work this way. Thank you Daddy for speakin to me through Leslie. I believe that You are a God of abundunce. You are more that what I can ever imagine. And I know there is nothing You can't do or provide. I come to You boldly in Christ knowing that in time to come You will provide for my company the suitable candidate for this post. You will raise another me in my company and You will show me who it is. It will be effortless for me to see and know because it is from You, my loving & caring Daddy God. Amen.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
it's not goodbye, it is just the beginning!
Thinking through, all that had happened that seems so overwhelming at that point of time, now don't matter anymore. At least for me, I know I have done all that is within my human effort. For Keshia, I am sure it must be quite an experience. How this experience will impact her & probably affect her decision making skills in future, I don't know. But this is always the case. We will never know the impact of education until later on in life. Especially, work & life skills. All we can do is to hold on to our faith & trust in God that what He made possible is always there for a good cause & for a better future.
The last 2 months have been great for me. I've learned new things about myself. I am very thankful to Daddy God for such an opportunity to witness the amount of grace He showers onto me that I may bless others with it. Thank you Daddy God. You're awesome!
*quiet time with Daddy*
Daddy God, thank you for put Keshia with us for the last 2 months. She's been a great help and blessing to me. Daddy, I thank you for putting the right words into my mouth at the right time during this period of time that uplift Keshia and help her see Your love for her. Daddy, as Keshia goes back to school for her last semester of her polytechnic education, I bring her before You & commit her to You. Surround Keshia with Your favor like shield and give her supernaturally strength and energy to complete her education. Daddy God, guide and cause the right people to be with Keshia for all her project work. Give her the wisdom to understand her modules with crystal clear clarity and what ever she study, let it be the exam questions. Daddy God, shower her with Your blessings because she is Your beloved and cause her to bless those around her. Daddy God, I know that You have gone ahead of us and in Your word, You say that the future is very very good. I trust in You Daddy God and all these I ask in Jesus's precious lovely name. Amen.
Monday, October 4, 2010
My strength shall be renewed!
I haven't felt this way for such a long time. The reason why I am feeling this way is when I am totally burned out. I guess I just haven't been resting well.
I am having a slight headache now and is resisting the urge for panadol. Best thing to do now is take holy comm, pray and sleep :)
Thank you Jesus, Your broken body made me whole. You have bore the headache on the cross and in Your name, it will have to flee! Amen!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Let Go & let God
This morning, the NYP intern fell and injured herself and is now on a 4-day MC. daddy God, keep her close to You and may she have supernatural healing. Amen :) Anyway, as we have arranged her for some coaching assignments, I have to get replacement for her. To add on to this, there was another coach who fell sick and it just happen so, the same school now needs 2 replacement coaches. So much of coincidence! When I learned about all these, I really thank God that He kept me safe and healthy. At the same time, I am worried about how I am going to get 2 replacement coach in a day. Knowing the schedule of most of my coaches, I know it is a close to impossible task. Then I remembered how Jeremy always say: "Nothing is impossible with God. Amen!". Somehow, picturing him saying this, made me smile :)
So I continued my day coaching and worrying about getting replacement. During my breaks, I called up coaches, sms them but all replies were negative. Finally, at my wits end, close to tears, I started to pray. I called out to Daddy God and my fave verse just kept popping in my mind: "If God is for us, who can be against us?". This alone, I know there's hope.
After lunch, I went back to office for meeting and was still contacting the coaches, asking them to take time out to help me. Each time I get rejected, I just kept praying and proclaim victory through Jesus. By 6pm, I only managed to get 1 replacement. That moment, I sat at my desk, staring into space not know what to do. As I began started packing my stuffs, getting ready to go home, all that was in my head is: "Die. Tomorrow not enough coach.". I was so negative, for a moment I hated myself.
As I walked out of the office building, I stopped in front of this playground, looked at the children playing. Naturally, I smiled. Then I remember how I got this job, how in God's divine timing I became a coach and began making a difference in the lives of the children I coach. So I said a simple prayer: "Abba father, my life is Your project. You brought me here. If there's a problem, You fix it.". As I walked away from the playground, suddenly a name of a coach popped into my mind. The human me started to reject the idea of calling this coach i thought of. Yet another part of me says: "CALL HER NOW!". I stopped, took my phone out & called her. Yes.. HALLELUJAH! She became the other replacement coach.
Truly, let go and let God. If God is for us, who can be against us?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Im back, fresh and re-charged!
I was away for GenRev Marked camp from 7 - 11 Sept 2010. It was my first ever church camp. I remember how I used to hate attending church services and CG, not to even mention a church camp. New creation Church have indeed made me a new creation through Christ. Knowing Jesus all over again and see Him in His loveliness through His finished work totally changed my life.
Anyway, camp was mind blowing. Up till today as I read my notes from the sermons, I get new revelations. Suddenly, I felt as if I am a new believer getting to know how God sees me through Jesus and what He wants me to have for this season of my life.
Its the 4th day of work since I came back from camp. Today, I said and did some things that i have never imagine I would do or say. Even talking to my boss and hearing her reaction from the phone, I know she knows there is a change in me. a positive change which came effortlessly and radically without me realizing. It's amazing.
Anyway, I have a NYP intern with me for the next 2 months. Up till now, I still can't believe I am her supervisor! LOL. She 's been following me around for coaching, learning the ropes of my job. coordinating the coaches schedule and the programmes. Thank God she came along. It took some load off me. Of course, on my side, I hope she can learn something from me and from my company by the end of the 2 months.
God bless her!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 1
I want to walk out of my past
I did something ungodly today. Something I would classified as falling back into my past life. A life that is not right in the eyes of God because thats not what I am created for. But I couldn't help it. Best part, I dont feel guilty at all. Instead I thank God I had the courage to face it and admit it. Becos I think the worst thing one can ever do is to lie to yourself.
Theres no point hiding from it and say to myself: "Lizhen, you are a Christian, you cannot be like that. It is ungodly." I tell u, this thinking is totally crap. No one in this world can ever be godly. The only person I know of that ever lived is Jesus. Thats why, we need God.
I know my sins are forever forgiven and what I have done today, God will remember no more. I also know at this point of time, it is easy for me to fall back into my past life so I curse all the emotions, feelings and desires in Jesus's name. They shall not come any where near me. Amen!
I will curse them every day until I feel them no more.
Yes, I am determine.
Judging from how heartbroken I am now, I know the cursing days are going to be long.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Savor the moment
u made me smile
What came close today was when u said: "My beloved friend."
In my mind, I thank God and whispered. Good enough. I am content.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
God has His way to cheer me up!
Just when I almost got consumed by the pain, my lightening fast mind decided to check my email to read today's daily devotional from chuch. When I got into my inbox, I saw an email from Rock Kidz (my church's children ministry, also where I serve for church). It is abt an upcoming church camp for another department. Guess what, I got into the organising commitee! LOL. I didn't even sign up for it. It just came! LOL. Perhaps this is what they call "God's plan"
Can u tell? Im super excited now! Hahahaha. I just love serving my God who spare not His son so I can have everything that I have now and His blessings, favor, love and grace will continue to pour into my life in abundance. Amen!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I am not perfect
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Let it come effortlessly
thank you for Pastor Prince's ministry,
thank you for New Creation Church,
thank you for the gospel of grace,
thank you for sending Jesus to come to be our savior,
thank you for your unmerited grace and favor upon me and in my life.
I know that I have done nothing to deserve all these and I know it is because of Your love for me, today I can come before you to worship You. I know that as long as I keep Jesus as the center of my life and see Him in all my situations, my life will be abundant because He have come to give me life and life more abundantly.
I know that because You love me,
because I am Your beloved child,
and just because You love me,
take all my worries and do it Your way.
Take my life and do it Your way.
I am the lost sheep and You are my Shepard.
Find me and bring me back to what You have designed me to do.
Today and everyday,
I will cast my cares on You.
Knowing that because You love me,
all that I have cast on You will be good.
All these I pray in Jesus's name.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I impact little ones
I spoke to her after the lesson and asked her why she cried. She kept quiet and kept shaking her head. That instant, I pray and ask Lord to work through me so I can help this girl. As I was praying in my mind, I could see tears filling her eyes and instantly I told her: "Hey Abi, I'm not angry with you! I just want to be your friend and be there for you when you are upset. I want to help you too." She looked at me and said very softly because she felt she wasn't playing well as I had blown her for 2 obstructions. I couldn't help it and I said to her: "Silly girl!" then I went on and told her that when I just started learning netball, I had more than 2 obstruction but I told myself, never mind, I will learn and in the end I played well. What made my day was she left the training smiling.
Anyway, after the coaching session and since I am at CCAB, I decided to make use of the facilities available there. I went for a run. Actually, to be more accurate, I did a circuit. This is the 1st circuit after (self-proclaim) recovering from my knee injury. I ran 1 round around the track followed by 20 push-ups, 20 crutches and 20 star jumps. Unfortunately, I only managed to do 2sets of it. Target for next Sat is to do 3 sets.
Come to think of it, my job gives me a good opportunity to workout everyday. I just need to plan to see which school I can do my circuit trainings at the same time giving me enough time allowance to travel from school to school and have lunch. Tomorrow is the start of new DB season and I am not attending training due as I have to serve at Rock Kidz. I would say I am still relatively new in the team so I am not sure if I can get a seat for SRR. Well, leave it to God. Meanwhile, hope all my little efforts in training myself up will help
God's will be done :)
Today is Baby Zach's 1st month celebration! Well, I was quite tired from a week of coaching and still recovering from flu so I wasn't really going around talking to the relatives. Only sticked with my closest cousin, Pam. Honestly, that was good enough for me. It's such a blessing to be able to spend quality time with your family. Just looking at everybody's happy faces, I am blessed! Yeah. It is really just this simple for me.
Well, enough of updates! Time to sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday. The day I commit my time to serve none but Daddy God. To serve in Rock Kidz is the most amazing experience ever. To see how Daddy God impact the little ones is just awesome. Pointing them to Jesus, helping them know Jesus and His loveliness. How cool is this!
Good night!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Simple truth
And when He cares and you know He cares, NOTHING else in this world matters.
Just when I think I am going to give in to the virus in my body, I choose to look to Him and believe that all diseases, sickness and illness cannot do any harm to me because I am the beloved child of God. And as I look to Him, no, I did not get better. Hahaha. I am still as sick but things around me got better.
God turned my situations around. It is amazing. Suddenly all plans turned out well. The children are happy, the teachers are pleased and my coaches are well prepared. Hallelujah! Thank you Abba.
Yes, I am sick but it will not be long. I am down but not out. God is keeping all things going well. How cool is that. I am at peace knowing He is looking after all that matters to me.
Its all about Him
Daddy, come and take this awful virus away so it will stop causing pain to your beloved children.
I cling on to you and I trust that I am healed because Jesus was broken that I may be healed. As He sits by Your right hand, so am I in this world.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
it's Wednesday Again
But not today cos I am down with sore throat and blocked nose and had to drag myself out of bed to go coaching. I was almost late. Praise God the traffic was smooth.
Still, thank God it's Wednesday. One day closer to weekend.
I asked a fellow coach if she was free to relief me for 2 of my session but she couldn't make it. Can't be help, it was so last minute. Anyway, praise the Lord, the teacher in charge was really awesome. She could hear from my voice I wasn't well and helped me with a little managing of the class. Thank God, the girls were such darlings too. It's funny how sometimes children can be so sweet when they know you are not too well, they will be nice. Hahaha.
I've been feeling so weak lately. Must be all the burning of the midnight oil to finish up my assignment. I really need to have better time management. Lord, stretch my time for work, school, family, training and me time!!! Hahaha.
This Sunday marks the start of DB new season. I found out from Jon that this season, we have to fight for seats. Honestly, I refuse to let this thought bother me. If I do well, I do well, if I don't, God's will be done. I know it seems silly to leave such matters to God. But who am I to live without His consent? Everything I am doing and will be doing is His plan.
Whatever I do now, I live in the present and flow with the peace of my heart. I want to do what I have on hands well. If I am coaching now, I give the best of what I know to the girls. If I am in school, be it a class or lecture, I make sure I pay attention, ask questions and take down notes. When I am at the gym, I make sure I give my muscles a good workout. When I am playing leisure netball, I make sure I go for every single ball and help my team win. When I am rowing, I make sure I row with the team.
If all else fail. Never mind. There is still Daddy God. He loves me no matter I do well or not and His good thoughts for me will never fail me.
Thank you Daddy God. *hugs
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I cant take the pain anymore
So it's either I quit coaching (which is not an option) or I do something about my feets.
Last semester in sch, we learn about the different types of legs and how to prevent it from causing pain and soreness to us. That's when I found out about motion controlled shoes for pronated feets. Ever since, I've been wanting to buy a pair. But these shoes are customized and customized stuffs arent cheap. The cheaper option is motion controlled insoles. It is slightly more affordable than a whole shoe. But I'm so broke after paying sch fees.
Anyone willing to sponsor me w/o anything in return?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
It's Wednesday
I love Wednesdays :) It is my longest day of the week (for now) where I start at 7.30am and end at 6.30pm. Awesome day because I get to see all the cute, little and adorable P1 girls. Those that will hug you like a teddy bear, ever so eager to be right in front of you even if they have to strain their necks, follow you everywhere like you are the magnet and they the paperclips and EVERYTHING they do, they will smile and laugh it off. I don't feel like I am coaching them... more like playing with them. hahahaha.
I was put to a challenge today and I am glad I did it well. In fact I realised that it was because my company have exposed me to many different coaching opportunities which have mold me to who I am today that I was able to be so flexible to different situation.
Thank God.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
anti-social me
Today is another unfateful day. Work have been quite eventful lately, even my colleagues are feeling the heat. I'm getting a little tired with dealing with all the LAST MINUTE challenges (bombs) that is landing on me. Yes, another 2 today.
Dear Lord, I know that whatever challenges I face now is already deal with by Jesus on the cross. Becos He is in me, His strength will help me overcome all the obstacles ahead. I pray in Jesus almighty name that tomorrow will be a good day. The sick shall heal by tonight and the tired ones (me) will be re-charged. AMEN!
I was upset with my teenage brother today. One word. RUDE. I am not angry with him, but his actions are totally wrong. Best part, he always think that there is nothing wrong with his attitude. Suddenly, I wondered if I was like this during my teenage years. Anyway, totally disappointed. The guys ego and pride is setting in for him. Always too cool to admit he is wrong.
But you know what when you admit your mistake, not only you are cool, you earn people's respect and trust too. Now that's cool.
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's MONday :p
Today 2 'bombs' landed on me. Hahaha. I should stop calling them 'bombs'. Let's just call them 'challenges'. I'm not going into details but I felt partially responsible for 1. If I was to be more concern and reminded my co-worker, we could have avoided the situation today. Well, lesson learn. It's not easy to manage people and I pray for wisdom in this area.
I'm going gym tomorrow morning. I am finally re-charged. My body is still trying to get use to my new schedule. Especially Wednesday. Last 2 years, the maximum no of hours I can coach a day is 5 full hours. This year, it reached a new record of 8 full hours. It's challenging not because of the coaching but from the traveling time to different schools. That drains me mentally. I am now doing my best to feed myself with good food. No, I should say nutritious foods. In fact I eat up to 6 meals a day now cos I have no time to sit down to have a proper meal.
My dearest body, thank you. You have served me well and it is now my utmost duty to make sure you are well taken care of. My lovely legs, I know I am suppose to let you rest as much as possible but looking at my work schedule, you and I both know it is not very possible. Thank you for being so understanding and have endured till today. You awesome. Well done. I promise I will bring you to see Fizah for a good rub whenever possible. By the way, netball is out for now so no change of directions needed :) But rehab is getting on still. Be good kay. Glorious days are ahead of us. Be patience and we will take the court together again :)
Thank God for today. Nothing spectacular but full of your blessings. Esp when I managed to find the perfect seat pad. I don't even know why I was in that shop! Lol.
Friday, July 2, 2010
my journey to becoming a praying coach
Early last month, I had a conversation with Zoey regarding work. She suggested that I can pray before every coaching session. I thought it was a good idea so I decided to give it a go. I noticed the difference almost immediately. Not that my coaching style changed or the children are more well behaved. By God's grace, my prospective that changed. The way I looked at the children changed. suddenly, I was able to see the children needs and their different learning ability above all else. As a result I was able to conduct the appropriate activities to engage them and keep them excited. It is one of the most incredible feeling ever. Thank you Lord.
I've been coaching close to 3 years now. This week, everyday, I feel so anointed. It is really awesome. It really keeps me going knowing that God is with me all the time. Every time I pray and ask Him to bless the session and keep the children safe while they are having fun, it is already happening. On top of all these, I find favor with the children and was able to influence them to play better.Praise the Lord! all glory to Him!
Not only did my children enjoy the session, I too find it a joy delivering the session. It also keep the passion fire in my heart burning. I love the feeling.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bak Zhang (Rice dumpling)
This year, I don't know why, I told Mommy I really want to learn how to make bak zhang. I guess I just feel that it is about time I start learning how to cook, make or prepare my family dishes! Also because I want to spend more time with Mommy.
I have an absentee father which resulted in me being closer to my Mommy. Cant blame my father for he believe that working and bring income into the family is loving the family. Thank God, I have a Mommy who believe is showing love, care and concern to the family with her presence, understanding, support and encouragement. I love my Mommy. I constantly pray that the day will come where my father will know the importance of spending quality family time with his children and being there for them when they need him. I miss my father.
I've side-tracked. Bottom line, I want to spend moretime together with my parents before the leave this world. I want to learn as much as I can from my Mommy so that the next time I make the dish, I can remember the quality time we spent together. I am sure Mommy think of Ah Ma when we were busy in the kitchen. Especially when she tell me stories of she learned from Ah Ma. All these, they are priceless.
Thats why it is said that the best things in life needs to be felt.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I feel this way sometimes and whenever I do, I whisper to Daddy God: "Abba, thank you for your grace. I am blessed because of You love me." I am beginning to understand that it is not what I have that allowed me to receive His grace or His blessings. Rather, it is in the giver's joy that I am able to receive so abundantly. Thank God it is by His love I am blessed and not by the good I do. If that is the case, my life will be miserable.
Faith is having a good opinion of God. Faith is believing that Jesus have come to give us life and life more abundantly. This is my faith, this is what I believe in.
I am still struggling with some major decision making which will affect my life for at least the next 5 years. I have not come to a point where I can find the peace I long for in me. Or maybe I already have the decision in me but I am just waiting for the right timing to present itself.
Praying for myself and of course, all my loved ones.
P.S Lord, bless me with a good memory. Help me remember occasions and where I put my stuffs. It sucks to be left out of an occasion and the lamest of all is "I forgot". Slap me.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Radically Transformed
There've been quite a lot of changes in my life. I am making many decisions, goal setting and weighting my priorities. Many questions kept popping in & out of my mind, like what I want to achieve, what I should do, how I can go about fulfilling it... etc.
Many of these questions goes un-answered. I've learnt over the past few months that I can plan all I want, some are detailed plans but peace was never with me because it was not what God wants for me. I was troubled and what I do did not prosper. It really sucks.
Everyday, I pray for favor, that Jesus will lead me to the right path and show me signs of confirmation. I pray that by His grace and only His grace, all friendship remain strong in this time when I am constantly absent in presence. I pray for strength to remain clear headed in this time of confusion. Amen.
All I can do now is I trust that Jesus will deliver me out of this phrase soon.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Jehovah Jireh (Part 1)
As recorded in the bible, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Issac to God. When going up the mountain, he brought nothing but wood, fire and knife to complete the sacrifice. On the way up, Issac asked "Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Abraham replied: "God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering." On the top when Abraham was about to kill his son, God stopped him and showed him a ram caught in a thicket and asked him to use that instead. God had place the ram there in advance knowing He is going to need a subsitute for Issac.
Isn't it amazing?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ops... I did it again.
I wondered how I became a netballer. Netball is all about decision-making skills. What pass to make, to who and where you want to run to after that. What can you do if the defending method you use is not working. Sometimes even what hand to use to intecept or tip and what land to land on, pivot left or right. Of course, the more you train, the easier all these decision making skills become and as you play to a higher level, it is really all about your speed, how high you can jump and how flexible you are on court and yes of course, good decision making skills aid by good vision.
This week I haven't been making good decisions at work and for my own life. It's frastrating. If life is a netball game this must be the part where I am making all the bad passes, missing passes and drop balls. Does that mean I am a bad player, a lousy player or a useless player? NO, NO, NO!!! It means I am a player who needs to train more on court situations in order to be more confidence.
The same goes for life. It is almost impossible for anyone to do something the first time and be very good at it. We all need to be trained. This is what I lack. Life training. I really have to thank God. So far my life, I meet good & great people (I know I will continue to meet more). They love me, guides me and share with me their life experiences so I won't fall the same way they did. But of course, there are times where I am left alone to deal with life. I have my setbacks but like I said, I am blessed. God always have someone to pull me up. Thank you Abba Father.
Today, I feel dumb for believing what others says. Honestly, although I feel dumb now, I still feel for that guy. He is just doing his job and I shouldn't make things too difficult for him. Maybe he have a family to feed. Hahahaha.
This is probably one of the silliest blog entry I ever wrote. But I assure you, this is totally Lizhen. hahahaha.
Someone I really admire once told me this: "What makes you think she is angry with you? You dont have the ability to make anyone angry, sad or happy. This world don't evolve around you. Silly.
She's right. She's always right. No one can make me feel dumb execpt me. So... me telling myself "Lizhen you are not dumb, I forgive you for what you did earlier today."
Hahahahahaha. Silly entry.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
God's gift to all (Part 2)
Communication is part of our daily lives and it comes so naturally, easily and effortlessly that we forget, it is actually a gift from God.
Sadly many of us fall into the trap of speaking harshly to the people around us. They say a picture speak a thousand words. Likewise, a word can paint a thousand pictures. So to say, a harsh word can kill and a graceful one can heal. I have to admit at times, I fall into such traps as well and say hurtful things to the people around me.
In my church, we are taught that as the beloved child of God, we have power in our mouth that what we speak of ourselves and others will eventually happen. Personally, I have to agree. Because when I speak blessings into my life, I see it happening. When I say to somebody "God bless you", I know God is blessing the person the instant the words comes out of my mouth. This is the power God gave me.
In fact, it is the power that all of us have. Studies have shown, many books have written... all about positive words, powerful effects.
So today, be a blessing to those around you.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I am... excited :)
I'm suppose to be packing for tomorrow's race. But... I'm feeling so lazy. Somehow my mind is switched off... The whole right side of my body is feeling sore and I am a right rower leh. Jesus bless me tomorrow... and everyday! haha.
Aiyoh... I'm so lazy to pack. I should just go to bed and pack tmr :p
Jesus, it doesn't matter what others said. Only Your thoughts for me matters most. Let Your will unfold itself in my daily life. Astonish me :)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Anatomy of the Knee (update of my injury)
Let me bring you through a quick lesson on the anatomy of the knee - Meniscus & VMO, so you can understand what is going on in my knee :)
Meniscus refers to the shock absorbers between the femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone). We have 2 menisci(plural) in each knee.

The medial meniscus, located at the inner aspect of the knee and the lateral meniscus located at the outer aspect of the knee. The lateral one is highly mobile, slides along with knee movements and absorb impact. The medial one moves very little as it is tightly bound to its surrounding structure as a result it is the one that is most commonly injured. One can injured the meniscus by twisting it (don't try) and having your full weight transmitted through one knee via the meniscus. Usually, this will cause a tear. I only strained mine so I guess I didn't transmit my full weight on it :p
Now, what is VMO? VMO stands for Vastus Medialis Obliquus, it is the lower part of the vastus medialis muscle / "teardrop" muscle.

The VMO fibres pulls the patella towards the medial side and prevents it from dislocating so if the VMO becomes weak there may be a tendency for the patella to be pulled to the lateral side. This is exactly what is happening to me now. My right patella is being pulled to the lateral side because my VMO is weak.
I am now undergoing rehab... eh... actually not really until after this weekend's "Gallop of the Dragons" race :p Meanwhile, I am just doing some strengthening, seeing my lovely physio once a week to get a "relaxing" sports massage to release all the tightness in my right leg.
My lovely physio will also K-tape me (look above) and I gotta wear the tubicgrip or whatever you call it plus I need to tape up my knee for any physical activity.
I had a good conversation with my lovely physio and I am beginning to understand my body better. Honestly, I am physical unfit. After "Gallops of the Dragons", I will be a good girl, do my proper rehab, strengthening, correct my posture and get myself ready for the next netball or DB season.
May the good Lord bless me :D
Introduction to the knee meniscus, Functional anatomy of the meniscus
Retrieved on May 13, 2010 from
Picture of Vastus Medialis
Retrieved on may 13, 2010 from
The patella - important anatomical relationships
Retrieved on may 13, 2010 from
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Your will... be done
By the way, the knee is so naughty today. Locking and clicking thru the day... tsk... tsk...
P.S I might be going to perth for a netball training trip from 4 Jun - 11 Jun
Friday, May 7, 2010
I will go wherever You want me to
Such a day will come and I am just waiting for everything to fall in place.
Maybe soon. 2011 perhaps or sooner.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Our little fighter

When I first set my eyes on her, I know she is special. Every session, she will sit by the side quietly, watching the class and listening earnestly to what the coach is saying. Last week, I noticed she was doing chest pass with her teacher. That day, I know I am right. She is indeed a special girl.
Today, I finally plucked up my courage, walked over and said "Hi".
Our little fighter's name is Emma. She is wheelchair bound, don't really speak clearly, wears a pair of spec with thick lens and have relatively stiff fingers. But beyond all these physical disadvantages, I saw great determination and extraordinary courage in this little girl.
I am not sure what came over me but I said to Emma, "Today, I am going to teach you how to shoot. Are you ready?" She instantly straighten up, eyes brighten, smile at me sweetly and nod her head. I explained the movements involved to her, and she started executing the movements. She struggled to get into position but as we go along, I corrected her movements and constantly remind her the key points, she was ready to proceed with the ball. When she was finally holding the ball, her face beam with excitement to release the ball and when she did, the ball was going towards the wrong direction and we both had a good laugh before trying a few more times.
We took a short break and came back again to challenge the shortest goalpost (which is up to my eye level). After several attempts, none got it. I saw a dishearten look on Emma's face and I felt a pinch in my heart. I paused the activity immediately, thought for a while, took a hula hoop, place it at my chest level and told Emma,"Now, try this instead!". Seeing the significant decrease in height, Emma got motivated and she regained the determination and courage I saw earlier. The next thing I know, within seconds, the ball traveled from her hands into the hoop I was holding. The teacher nearby and I was cheering for her! I can still remember the look of her face, it is the same happiness every child gets knowing they have put the ball through the goalpost. But for Emma, I know it meant so much more... knowing that she can do something her classmates could too.
It didn't stop there. Wanting our little fighter to be involve in the decision making, I squat down and asked her: "You will get 1 point each time the ball goes through the hoop. How much points do you want to achieve?" Our little fighter answered: "10!" I stood up quietly, noticed that her eyes are still fixed on me, I replied: "okay... Let's do 10!" and she gave me her million dollar smile.
You probably guessed it... YES... our little fighter did put in 10 shots. On top of that, I set up an aiming activity for her where she have to knock down 3 cones that is placed 3 feet away from her wheelchair. She knocked all of them down. By the end of the session, she was smiling, perspiring and that tells me that she gave her 100% into the activities. Before she leave, I whispered this into her ear: "Well done Emma, you did it all by yourself. I'm so proud of you." and Emma whispered back to me: "Thank you Ms Goh."
Little Emma amazed her teachers and me with her extraordinary will power and fighting spirit beyond our imaginations. She is my inspiration. She is a blessing, a gift of God. She is full of grace.
~May the Lord keep her, bless her, protect her and lead her today and everyday. Amen.~
By the way, Emma is only a P2 kid.
If the Lord can bless a little girl with physical disadvantages, how much more will He bless one who is physically well? Question is, do you believe He is with you, for you and will never forsake you?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Right now, I can feel the tightness of my right leg from my knee down to my ankle. Think the blood is having a hard time flowing to and fro.
Honestly, I am not worried at all. Because in Jesus name, I am healed. I know the Lord is working on it now. I trust Him that all will be good.
P.S: I am skipping Kiyah's land training later. Only going water training.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
J for Jesus
Today, I understood why I always feel spending time together with CG is neccessary. Because when lights comes together and share more word of the Lord, glorifying him, they walk away brighter and ready to do what Lord intend for them. Hallelujah!
I finally received Rock Kidz interview notification! (Rock Kidz is my church's children's ministry) I waited for about 3 weeks or longer... im not sure but during this long wait, I remember I wrote an entry about it. In that entry, I mention that I am leaving things in Jesus's hand. Let not my will but His be done.
I've not told anyone about it except Margy. Somehow there's this silent fear in my heart that I may not get through the interview so I thought when all is settled then I will inform everyone. I was telling Margy that I believe I should serve in the children ministry cos I dont think Lord made me a netball coach whose niche area is children age 5 - 10 years old for nothing. I recalled now all the children I have learned to deal with for the past 2 years... it seems to me that the Lord is preparing me.
Well, like I say before and will still continue to say and believe, Let not my will but yours be done Jesus.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
You are a blessing when you realised how blessed you are
A blessing is when I run after the bus, the driver waited for me and greeted me with a smile when I say "Thank you!".
A blessing is when I fell asleep in the bus and woke up just in time to alight.
A blessing is when my colleagues & me listen to Yes 93.3fm, laugh at the DJ's jokes, making the office filled with our laughter.
A blessing is when my girls know when to listen and when to speak.
A blessing is when a P3 girl run towards me, hug me and say: "Why didn't you come last 2 weeks? I miss you."
A blessing is when my girls remember what I taught them and are able to execute them.
A blessing is when a player who made a mistake, listens, keep trying and succeed.
A blessing is when I am rushing to another coaching venue, needed a cab and it came. Plus all traffic lights turn green for me :)
A blessing is when Clare asked me out for movie but we both decided to hit the gym instead and it turn out to be the best gym session I ever experienced till date.
A blessing is when I reached home & mom left dinner for me :)
A blessing is knowing I have a shelter over my head.
A blessing is knowing that when I wake up tomorrow, there will be more blessings awaiting me to discover them.
A blessing is what my almighty God provided for me whether Iasked for it or not.
If you trust Him, then everything that is happening in your life right now, is a blessing :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Glory comes with a price
My right knee is hurting now. Nothing serious, bearable. Come on I just finished a reservoir run how bad can it be? HAHAHA. Old netball injury. It was hurting since last night. Thank God, there's no swelling, that's a good sign. Just clicking sounds being produced from time to time. Felt as if my bones are rubbing onto one another and my blood can't really flow up & down smoothly. Sometimes I feel like my bones at the joint are stucked and I need to position my knee at a certain angle to loosen them. A loud clicking sound plus a "ahhh..." from me indicate that it is loosen.
If this continues, it means I need to go visit either Mingrong or Fizah again. My physios.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Who is that joker?

There's this joker who is not keeping with the pacers.
And that joker is me.
And all these while I thought I was keeping up with the pacer...
Until I saw the still shots from JP's fb.
I feel... so lousy now!
Oh... why I am so dumb?
Whats done is done.
Let it go you silly goose!
Look ahead and embrace the future!
Haha. Jia you Lizhen!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The moment
The PA race is finally over.
It is a cruel fact that the results of every team's hardwork during training, is reflected during that few minutes on the water in that 300m race. Before every race, it is a common sight that teams will gather to warm up, talk about their strategies and get their state of mind into the race. After the race, teams will gather to reflect on what needs to be maintain, what needs to be re-fine and how they can outwin ourselves in the next race.
This is my virgin race and i gave it to Kiyah-Splashh!. Being able to row in the mixed team today gave me a good experience of what a race is like. The technical aspects, strategies to stay remember and also the intensity of racing. After the race, I felt the need to build up my fitness level, work on recovery time and re-fine my stroke techniques. I have 3 more trainings to work on these.
As for fitness, I am definately not a weekend warrior. Reservoir run on Tuesdays, Netball training on Wednesdays and Saturday mornings, Gym on Thursdays, water training on Saturday & Sunday (land training on Sunday too) till May race.
Well, no matter what, it is all up in my head. I am my greatest enemy. No one can stop me except me and I know I want to race in May.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Lord, I need a man whose heart is open to you, who sing praises to you, who honor & worship you in his everyday, who puts his trust in you in all that he do. A man who shares my value and understand my principles. A man I can trust and talk to about anything under the sun without fearing that he will judge me or see me otherwise. A man who is passionate about sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.
I care no less about facial feature, skin colour, height or weight. It is the heart. Lord, you know what I am looking for... A true and sincere heart.
Lord, is there such a man out there?
This is a dream without deadline.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Do you believe me?
Friday, April 9, 2010
It feels good to be the Beloved of God
I have to admit, this week, the Lord was with me in all my tough hours. Hours that felt like days... hours that I want to give up... My Lord gave me strength. It is amazing how He appeared to me. This time round He appeared to me not as a coach but as a child who eagerly wants to learn. Out of the blue, I don't know what came over me, I felt full of energy, all ready to impart my knowledge to those adorable girls. Nothing else mattered but just to learn and have fun.
It is true that we can love the unlovable. Because God love them and it is our duty as His children to love for the things that matter to Him.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Every Child is a Precious Gift from God

You are, to your parents. I am to mine.
We are all precious to God for we are all His children.
If God can love us unconditionally and forgive us for all of our sins,
Who are we to be angry with our children when they do wrong?
Today, you girls made me so proud that I feel honored to be your coach.
A netball game is determine not so much by what the outcome brings, it is what attitude we bring to the game;
No t so much as to what happened to us, but our reaction to what happened.
Although the chances of you girls seeing this entry is very slim. But still, well done girls.
As I always believe and will still believe, it is not our wills but God's to be done.
All Glory to God.
God's gift to all mankind
One of the greatest gift God give to all mankind is the ability to have our own thoughts. Personally, I believe this is also one of God's test for us. He wants to see how we use this gift. To think of the good of others or the bad... To choose to love or hate... To believe & trust or to deny & reject... and so much more.
I have been feeling very guilty about last Sunday. I was suppose to go for dragon boat training but I didn't as I was afraid I will fall sick after being in the rain. On Tuesday, I received an email from a teammate addressing the issue of training in wet weather. It is said that training will continue whether rain or shine. I felt ashamed of myself for being weak. I failed God's test for me. I didn't trust Him enough.
The very same day, at night, I was on facebook and I saw a negative comment by my player regarding their game the next day. Honestly, I felt disappointed. I always consider myself as a very positive coach and I expect my players to be so too. Yet, I fail to educate my players. Then it suddenly stucked me that I wasn't all very positive afterall since I decided not to attend dragon boat training due to wet weather. At that instant, I know I am my greatest setback.
Now, I am determine to pass God's test for me. I believe I can do all things in Christ who give me strength. No matter what happened, good or bad, I will accept it for I know it is not my will but His to be done.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Resurrection Sunday

Sunday, March 28, 2010
I want nobody, nobody but you.
Impossible is nothing for Jesus. Since Christ is in me, impossible is nothing for me. How cool is this!!! With His strength, I survived dragonboat training. For the first time, I paddled without stopping for the long distance of 4km - 5km. Now, the butt is sore -.-" Today's training is awesome. I love the sprints for land training. I love the long distance row. I love it when the team go: "Kiyah, Kiyah, Kiyah, Kiyah...". It is such joy to love what you are doing. Not for men but for God.
Praise Lord for customizing the sporty me. Praise Lord for lifting me in every tough moment I am in. Praise Lord for being faithful even when I am not. Thank you Jesus, you are the only good thing in my life.
I cant wait for the miracle tomorrow. All will be good for the Lord will lead us, work through us and smile on us.
Speaking what I seek
The thumb is still feeling stiff. The left ankle is sore. But the spirit is high and willl overcome dragonboat training through Christ.
I can do all things with Him in me :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I was so held up I didn't have time for proper lunch. Only had milo.
After my class ended at MGS, I was praying for strength that I can last till the end of the day. Then came this little angel with these sandwiches... "My coach asked me to pass this to you."
Lord, you are the best thing that ever happened to me.
Thank you for putting thoughtful people in my life.
Thks Chris. Hugs*
Monday, March 8, 2010
wake up call
The next moment my mobile rang. It was 8.09am. It was a parent asking about one of the netball programme under my supervision. Of course, I quickly straighten up and answered to her questions, at the same time struggling to not sound like I just got out of bed.
After our conversation ended, I thank God for giving me a wake up call. One moment I was not certain what I was suppose to do. Another moment, God sent me the help I needed. He remained me why in the first place I took up this career which is also the exact reason why I must continue to do what I am doing because my ultimate dream, my vision is not fulfilled yet. It does seem far fetch but I know it can be done.
There is still so much more to learn. But it's okay, God is always with me.
Monday, March 1, 2010

I want to start this is entry by praising the Lord for showering me with love and grace therefore I am able to love others.
I never knew how much love I have for my ex-girls until I watched their game today. They played well and I am so proud of them. All glory to God. Although some of them under performed today, but I have faith in them that they not be dishearten, continue to train hard and perform better in their next game.
Dear Lord, open their eyes and let them see how much more the team can achieve when everyone focus & work towards the common goal throughout the entire game. Father, give them the strength & endurance to last through the game. Father, give to them the ability to exercise patience and trust towards their teammates. Father, I know that even though it is going to be a tough ride, but because you are with us, we have nothing to fear. For no matter what the outcome will be, we have still have you :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Love is a verb
Reading some of the stories, made me reflect about myself. How I love the people around me and if i am ever going to be in the same situation as the writers, how would I react?
Not only that, some of the stories, reminded me of some of the friends I love so much yet refuse to reach out to receive my love. Am I going to give up or should I just continue to love them? I prayed for strength and courage that I can continue to love them and I prayed that they will one day open up to me.
No one should be left alone to deal with life. This explains why in God's plans, we have friends. Because He care enough to put special people in our lives.
These people are blessing in life.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
run your own race
Each and everyone of us has got our own race to run, to be successful. It is therefore important that we focus on our own race and be the best you can possibly be.
Never engage in any kind of unhealthy competition with others. Never allow yourself to be discouraged when it seems as though those around you are making progress than you. The fact that someone else is succeeding does not mean you are failing. Success is relative and it is measured at different stages.
What you are aiming for may not be the same as what another person is aiming for. Run your own race and be the best of you, bearing in mind that you are only permitted to compete with yourself and outdo your past.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lord, lead me.
After service, I went to the counter and applied to serve at the children's ministry. On the application form, they asked: "Why do you want to serve in this ministry?" I answered: "This feeling (to serve in the ministry) came to me so strongly that I know I have to do something about it.".
All I want to say now is... God, if this is what you want me to do, lead me. I am going to leave everything in your hands Lord. I know you have a plan for me, if this is it, lead me. Lord, I know there's something about the children ministry but I don't know what it is. I will be patience and wait for the truth to unfold before my eyes for I know everything is in your good hands.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
see it, feel it, speak it and expect it
Hate and be hated.
What you say and contribute is what you are going to receive at the end of the day.
Believe it.
May be you have not receive it yet.
One day... Wait and see... Time will tell...
It will come back to you.
This is what God promised.
All you need to do is guard your heart & be faithful to Him alone.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
it is none of my business
At the same time, there are people that I meet, but somehow, things just didn't work out and sometimes, we just fall apart. I figured it is because it isn't what God wanted me to do. It is just me wanting to do it.
Now, after failing a few times, I've learned that when it comes to the people I find no peace with, sadly, it is nothing of my business. But when it comes to another group of people where I find peace with, I know I have to give my 100% and even more.
How do I know it? I asked God and God told me so. God told me to let it go of the right person, at the right place and at the right time. I obeyed.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Be true to yourself
I am just taking things one step at a time.
Like what MR always say to me. "Hold true to what you think it's right, fight for it and goodness will come along. And understand that it is not going to be an easy journey"
She is right. My jouney have just begun. I pray that Jesus will show me the way and daddy God will guide me along. Time will tell.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ordinary Miracle
Ordinary Miracle
It's not that usual when everything is beautiful
It's just another ordinary miracle today
The sky knows when its time to snow
You don't need to teach a seed to grow
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Life is like a gift they say
Wrapped up for you everyday
Open up and find a way
To give some of your own
Isn't it remarkable?
Like every time a raindrop falls
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Birds in winter have their fling
And always make it home by spring
It's just another ordinary miracle today
When you wake up everyday
Please don't throw your dreams away
Hold them close to your heart
Cause we are all a part
Of the ordinary miracle
Ordinary miracle
Do you want to see a miracle?
It seems so exceptional
That things just work out after all
It's just another ordinary miracle today
The sun comes up and shines so bright
It disappears again at night
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Ooohh Oooohh
It's just another ordinary miracle today
Miracle is explained as an event that appears inexplicable (incapable of being accounted for or explained) by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God
"Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves" (Katherine Anne Porter).
I love this song. A miracle to me is... when things eventually worked out. Things that I know I cannot do by my own human efforts. Yet, it was done and made possible. It is because of my daddy God who made it possible. This is my miracle. What's yours?
Sunday, January 17, 2010
May this good feeling continue to flow throughout the year :)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Count your blessings today!
For He made everything happen. This is the power if His amazing grace and love.
Despite all the setbacks I am going through in my life now, somehow, I'm beginning to see opportunities in them. This is a blessing. 'look for the good in every situation' - I signed off every email with this qoute. Because I believe in it and I want to achieve this. I also strongly believe that what you seek, usually, you will find it. If you don't then maybe in the first place, you don't even have the desire for it.
God created a desire in me, a passion in me... So strong that I know it will lead me to where I should be. Even if it is a wrong decision, it's okay, I'll just learn it the hard way then. It is and will still be a blessing. Because at the end of the day, God will bring you through it. Put your trust in our heavenly father for He loves us and will bring us through.
Monday, January 11, 2010
abundant love
I always love the sound of it ringing in my ears and echoing in my mind.
But have you ever where this came from?
I think abundance, comes from God's grace and love for man. How do we receive His grace and love then?
Simply, love God and understand that He loves you too. So much so that gave His only son. So, melt your barriers, cast away your humanly thoughts because God loves us, because Jesus loves us and because I love you.
Believe it.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My elder brother's special day
It was a day full of laughter, joy, happiness, love and not forgetting surprises. It seems like surprising one another runs in the family :) So my friends out there if you don't like surprises, too bad for u cos it runs in my blood =p
I cannot fully describe the happiness and joy I experienced yesterday. I have waited for this day for many years!
So... to my dearest Da ge, have a blissful marriage :) May peace, love, joy and happiness be with you & Da Sao now & everyday :)
lil sis :D
Friday, January 1, 2010
A picture summary of my 2009, now a beautiful memory :)