Saturday, January 2, 2010

My elder brother's special day

My family, relatives, family friends and friends of my elder brother & my sis-in-law and me, we all started the New Year celebrating my elder brother and sis-in-law's wedding.

It was a day full of laughter, joy, happiness, love and not forgetting surprises. It seems like surprising one another runs in the family :) So my friends out there if you don't like surprises, too bad for u cos it runs in my blood =p

I cannot fully describe the happiness and joy I experienced yesterday. I have waited for this day for many years!

So... to my dearest Da ge, have a blissful marriage :) May peace, love, joy and happiness be with you & Da Sao now & everyday :)

lil sis :D
My sis (the one in white) totally expressed her joy in this picture.

My brother :)

My family :D

The men of my life... other than my elder brother :)

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