Friday, January 15, 2010

Count your blessings today!

I haven't felt this way for a very long time. But seriously, when God loves you, you will know it because His blessings are everywhere. I've come to realize that all that I've acheived, learned and done wrong over the years which made me who I am today, all the glory goes to God.

For He made everything happen. This is the power if His amazing grace and love.

Despite all the setbacks I am going through in my life now, somehow, I'm beginning to see opportunities in them. This is a blessing. 'look for the good in every situation' - I signed off every email with this qoute. Because I believe in it and I want to achieve this. I also strongly believe that what you seek, usually, you will find it. If you don't then maybe in the first place, you don't even have the desire for it.

God created a desire in me, a passion in me... So strong that I know it will lead me to where I should be. Even if it is a wrong decision, it's okay, I'll just learn it the hard way then. It is and will still be a blessing. Because at the end of the day, God will bring you through it. Put your trust in our heavenly father for He loves us and will bring us through.

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