Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lord, lead me.

I was at church today & I heard stories about the children's ministry again. Something in me twitched again. I had the same feeling before when I first heard of the children's ministry earlier this month.

After service, I went to the counter and applied to serve at the children's ministry. On the application form, they asked: "Why do you want to serve in this ministry?" I answered: "This feeling (to serve in the ministry) came to me so strongly that I know I have to do something about it.".

All I want to say now is... God, if this is what you want me to do, lead me. I am going to leave everything in your hands Lord. I know you have a plan for me, if this is it, lead me. Lord, I know there's something about the children ministry but I don't know what it is. I will be patience and wait for the truth to unfold before my eyes for I know everything is in your good hands.

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