Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love is a verb

Recently, i read this book call "Love is a verb". It's a book with different stories of love written by the people who experienced it. It's inspiring and heartwarming. Some of the stories even made my tears flow out of my eyes. It's just too touching for me to bear.

Reading some of the stories, made me reflect about myself. How I love the people around me and if i am ever going to be in the same situation as the writers, how would I react?

Not only that, some of the stories, reminded me of some of the friends I love so much yet refuse to reach out to receive my love. Am I going to give up or should I just continue to love them? I prayed for strength and courage that I can continue to love them and I prayed that they will one day open up to me.

No one should be left alone to deal with life. This explains why in God's plans, we have friends. Because He care enough to put special people in our lives.

These people are blessing in life.

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