Monday, June 14, 2010

Bak Zhang (Rice dumpling)

Today is the 1st time after Ah Ma passed away, Mommy is making Bak Zhang. Being born in a traditional chinese family, we obeyed the tradition of no form of celebration allowed for 3 years after a member of the family passed on. According to Mommy, it is actually supposed to be 5 years but Ah Ma told her (before she passed on) 3 years will do.

This year, I don't know why, I told Mommy I really want to learn how to make bak zhang. I guess I just feel that it is about time I start learning how to cook, make or prepare my family dishes! Also because I want to spend more time with Mommy.

I have an absentee father which resulted in me being closer to my Mommy. Cant blame my father for he believe that working and bring income into the family is loving the family. Thank God, I have a Mommy who believe is showing love, care and concern to the family with her presence, understanding, support and encouragement. I love my Mommy. I constantly pray that the day will come where my father will know the importance of spending quality family time with his children and being there for them when they need him. I miss my father.

I've side-tracked. Bottom line, I want to spend moretime together with my parents before the leave this world. I want to learn as much as I can from my Mommy so that the next time I make the dish, I can remember the quality time we spent together. I am sure Mommy think of Ah Ma when we were busy in the kitchen. Especially when she tell me stories of she learned from Ah Ma. All these, they are priceless.

Thats why it is said that the best things in life needs to be felt.

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