Thursday, June 3, 2010


Have you ever felt like you don't deserve what you have in life now? Have you ever wondered what you have done to deserve all that you have now? Have you ever wondered why do good things happen to you even when you do bad things at times?

I feel this way sometimes and whenever I do, I whisper to Daddy God: "Abba, thank you for your grace. I am blessed because of You love me." I am beginning to understand that it is not what I have that allowed me to receive His grace or His blessings. Rather, it is in the giver's joy that I am able to receive so abundantly. Thank God it is by His love I am blessed and not by the good I do. If that is the case, my life will be miserable.

Faith is having a good opinion of God. Faith is believing that Jesus have come to give us life and life more abundantly. This is my faith, this is what I believe in.

I am still struggling with some major decision making which will affect my life for at least the next 5 years. I have not come to a point where I can find the peace I long for in me. Or maybe I already have the decision in me but I am just waiting for the right timing to present itself.

Praying for myself and of course, all my loved ones.

P.S Lord, bless me with a good memory. Help me remember occasions and where I put my stuffs. It sucks to be left out of an occasion and the lamest of all is "I forgot". Slap me.

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