Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Radically Transformed

I am currently undergoing a radical transformation phrase of life.

There've been quite a lot of changes in my life. I am making many decisions, goal setting and weighting my priorities. Many questions kept popping in & out of my mind, like what I want to achieve, what I should do, how I can go about fulfilling it... etc.

Many of these questions goes un-answered. I've learnt over the past few months that I can plan all I want, some are detailed plans but peace was never with me because it was not what God wants for me. I was troubled and what I do did not prosper. It really sucks.

Everyday, I pray for favor, that Jesus will lead me to the right path and show me signs of confirmation. I pray that by His grace and only His grace, all friendship remain strong in this time when I am constantly absent in presence. I pray for strength to remain clear headed in this time of confusion. Amen.

All I can do now is I trust that Jesus will deliver me out of this phrase soon.

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