Thursday, September 16, 2010

Im back, fresh and re-charged!

I just read my last blog entry. Boy, I am was emo.

I was away for GenRev Marked camp from 7 - 11 Sept 2010. It was my first ever church camp. I remember how I used to hate attending church services and CG, not to even mention a church camp. New creation Church have indeed made me a new creation through Christ. Knowing Jesus all over again and see Him in His loveliness through His finished work totally changed my life.

Anyway, camp was mind blowing. Up till today as I read my notes from the sermons, I get new revelations. Suddenly, I felt as if I am a new believer getting to know how God sees me through Jesus and what He wants me to have for this season of my life.

Its the 4th day of work since I came back from camp. Today, I said and did some things that i have never imagine I would do or say. Even talking to my boss and hearing her reaction from the phone, I know she knows there is a change in me. a positive change which came effortlessly and radically without me realizing. It's amazing.

Anyway, I have a NYP intern with me for the next 2 months. Up till now, I still can't believe I am her supervisor! LOL. She 's been following me around for coaching, learning the ropes of my job. coordinating the coaches schedule and the programmes. Thank God she came along. It took some load off me. Of course, on my side, I hope she can learn something from me and from my company by the end of the 2 months.

God bless her!

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