Wednesday, July 28, 2010

it's Wednesday Again

I love Wednesdays.

But not today cos I am down with sore throat and blocked nose and had to drag myself out of bed to go coaching. I was almost late. Praise God the traffic was smooth.

Still, thank God it's Wednesday. One day closer to weekend.

I asked a fellow coach if she was free to relief me for 2 of my session but she couldn't make it. Can't be help, it was so last minute. Anyway, praise the Lord, the teacher in charge was really awesome. She could hear from my voice I wasn't well and helped me with a little managing of the class. Thank God, the girls were such darlings too. It's funny how sometimes children can be so sweet when they know you are not too well, they will be nice. Hahaha.

I've been feeling so weak lately. Must be all the burning of the midnight oil to finish up my assignment. I really need to have better time management. Lord, stretch my time for work, school, family, training and me time!!! Hahaha.

This Sunday marks the start of DB new season. I found out from Jon that this season, we have to fight for seats. Honestly, I refuse to let this thought bother me. If I do well, I do well, if I don't, God's will be done. I know it seems silly to leave such matters to God. But who am I to live without His consent? Everything I am doing and will be doing is His plan.

Whatever I do now, I live in the present and flow with the peace of my heart. I want to do what I have on hands well. If I am coaching now, I give the best of what I know to the girls. If I am in school, be it a class or lecture, I make sure I pay attention, ask questions and take down notes. When I am at the gym, I make sure I give my muscles a good workout. When I am playing leisure netball, I make sure I go for every single ball and help my team win. When I am rowing, I make sure I row with the team.

If all else fail. Never mind. There is still Daddy God. He loves me no matter I do well or not and His good thoughts for me will never fail me.

Thank you Daddy God. *hugs

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