Thursday, July 29, 2010

Simple truth

The simple truth of life is nobody cares except our faithful God. Our Abba, our Father, our Daddy God.

And when He cares and you know He cares, NOTHING else in this world matters.

Just when I think I am going to give in to the virus in my body, I choose to look to Him and believe that all diseases, sickness and illness cannot do any harm to me because I am the beloved child of God. And as I look to Him, no, I did not get better. Hahaha. I am still as sick but things around me got better.

God turned my situations around. It is amazing. Suddenly all plans turned out well. The children are happy, the teachers are pleased and my coaches are well prepared. Hallelujah! Thank you Abba.

Yes, I am sick but it will not be long. I am down but not out. God is keeping all things going well. How cool is that. I am at peace knowing He is looking after all that matters to me.

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