Tuesday, July 13, 2010

anti-social me

Anti-social me.. yes... this is another entry on work. I just need to express how I feel.

Today is another unfateful day. Work have been quite eventful lately, even my colleagues are feeling the heat. I'm getting a little tired with dealing with all the LAST MINUTE challenges (bombs) that is landing on me. Yes, another 2 today.

Dear Lord, I know that whatever challenges I face now is already deal with by Jesus on the cross. Becos He is in me, His strength will help me overcome all the obstacles ahead. I pray in Jesus almighty name that tomorrow will be a good day. The sick shall heal by tonight and the tired ones (me) will be re-charged. AMEN!

I was upset with my teenage brother today. One word. RUDE. I am not angry with him, but his actions are totally wrong. Best part, he always think that there is nothing wrong with his attitude. Suddenly, I wondered if I was like this during my teenage years. Anyway, totally disappointed. The guys ego and pride is setting in for him. Always too cool to admit he is wrong.

But you know what when you admit your mistake, not only you are cool, you earn people's respect and trust too. Now that's cool.

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