Saturday, May 15, 2010

God's gift to all (Part 2)

The gift of being able to speak and communicate.

Communication is part of our daily lives and it comes so naturally, easily and effortlessly that we forget, it is actually a gift from God.

Sadly many of us fall into the trap of speaking harshly to the people around us. They say a picture speak a thousand words. Likewise, a word can paint a thousand pictures. So to say, a harsh word can kill and a graceful one can heal. I have to admit at times, I fall into such traps as well and say hurtful things to the people around me.

In my church, we are taught that as the beloved child of God, we have power in our mouth that what we speak of ourselves and others will eventually happen. Personally, I have to agree. Because when I speak blessings into my life, I see it happening. When I say to somebody "God bless you", I know God is blessing the person the instant the words comes out of my mouth. This is the power God gave me.

In fact, it is the power that all of us have. Studies have shown, many books have written... all about positive words, powerful effects.

So today, be a blessing to those around you.

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