Saturday, May 1, 2010

J for Jesus

Today, Jesus put me at the right place at the right time again :)

Today, I understood why I always feel spending time together with CG is neccessary. Because when lights comes together and share more word of the Lord, glorifying him, they walk away brighter and ready to do what Lord intend for them. Hallelujah!

I finally received Rock Kidz interview notification! (Rock Kidz is my church's children's ministry) I waited for about 3 weeks or longer... im not sure but during this long wait, I remember I wrote an entry about it. In that entry, I mention that I am leaving things in Jesus's hand. Let not my will but His be done.

I've not told anyone about it except Margy. Somehow there's this silent fear in my heart that I may not get through the interview so I thought when all is settled then I will inform everyone. I was telling Margy that I believe I should serve in the children ministry cos I dont think Lord made me a netball coach whose niche area is children age 5 - 10 years old for nothing. I recalled now all the children I have learned to deal with for the past 2 years... it seems to me that the Lord is preparing me.

Well, like I say before and will still continue to say and believe, Let not my will but yours be done Jesus.

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