Thursday, April 29, 2010

You are a blessing when you realised how blessed you are

A blessing is when I wake up and I am still breathing.
A blessing is when I run after the bus, the driver waited for me and greeted me with a smile when I say "Thank you!".
A blessing is when I fell asleep in the bus and woke up just in time to alight.
A blessing is when my colleagues & me listen to Yes 93.3fm, laugh at the DJ's jokes, making the office filled with our laughter.
A blessing is when my girls know when to listen and when to speak.
A blessing is when a P3 girl run towards me, hug me and say: "Why didn't you come last 2 weeks? I miss you."
A blessing is when my girls remember what I taught them and are able to execute them.
A blessing is when a player who made a mistake, listens, keep trying and succeed.
A blessing is when I am rushing to another coaching venue, needed a cab and it came. Plus all traffic lights turn green for me :)
A blessing is when Clare asked me out for movie but we both decided to hit the gym instead and it turn out to be the best gym session I ever experienced till date.
A blessing is when I reached home & mom left dinner for me :)
A blessing is knowing I have a shelter over my head.
A blessing is knowing that when I wake up tomorrow, there will be more blessings awaiting me to discover them.
A blessing is what my almighty God provided for me whether Iasked for it or not.

If you trust Him, then everything that is happening in your life right now, is a blessing :)

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