Sunday, March 28, 2010

I want nobody, nobody but you.

I want nobody, nobody but Jesus :)

Impossible is nothing for Jesus. Since Christ is in me, impossible is nothing for me. How cool is this!!! With His strength, I survived dragonboat training. For the first time, I paddled without stopping for the long distance of 4km - 5km. Now, the butt is sore -.-" Today's training is awesome. I love the sprints for land training. I love the long distance row. I love it when the team go: "Kiyah, Kiyah, Kiyah, Kiyah...". It is such joy to love what you are doing. Not for men but for God.

Praise Lord for customizing the sporty me. Praise Lord for lifting me in every tough moment I am in. Praise Lord for being faithful even when I am not. Thank you Jesus, you are the only good thing in my life.

I cant wait for the miracle tomorrow. All will be good for the Lord will lead us, work through us and smile on us.

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