Saturday, May 29, 2010
Jehovah Jireh (Part 1)
As recorded in the bible, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Issac to God. When going up the mountain, he brought nothing but wood, fire and knife to complete the sacrifice. On the way up, Issac asked "Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Abraham replied: "God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering." On the top when Abraham was about to kill his son, God stopped him and showed him a ram caught in a thicket and asked him to use that instead. God had place the ram there in advance knowing He is going to need a subsitute for Issac.
Isn't it amazing?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ops... I did it again.
I wondered how I became a netballer. Netball is all about decision-making skills. What pass to make, to who and where you want to run to after that. What can you do if the defending method you use is not working. Sometimes even what hand to use to intecept or tip and what land to land on, pivot left or right. Of course, the more you train, the easier all these decision making skills become and as you play to a higher level, it is really all about your speed, how high you can jump and how flexible you are on court and yes of course, good decision making skills aid by good vision.
This week I haven't been making good decisions at work and for my own life. It's frastrating. If life is a netball game this must be the part where I am making all the bad passes, missing passes and drop balls. Does that mean I am a bad player, a lousy player or a useless player? NO, NO, NO!!! It means I am a player who needs to train more on court situations in order to be more confidence.
The same goes for life. It is almost impossible for anyone to do something the first time and be very good at it. We all need to be trained. This is what I lack. Life training. I really have to thank God. So far my life, I meet good & great people (I know I will continue to meet more). They love me, guides me and share with me their life experiences so I won't fall the same way they did. But of course, there are times where I am left alone to deal with life. I have my setbacks but like I said, I am blessed. God always have someone to pull me up. Thank you Abba Father.
Today, I feel dumb for believing what others says. Honestly, although I feel dumb now, I still feel for that guy. He is just doing his job and I shouldn't make things too difficult for him. Maybe he have a family to feed. Hahahaha.
This is probably one of the silliest blog entry I ever wrote. But I assure you, this is totally Lizhen. hahahaha.
Someone I really admire once told me this: "What makes you think she is angry with you? You dont have the ability to make anyone angry, sad or happy. This world don't evolve around you. Silly.
She's right. She's always right. No one can make me feel dumb execpt me. So... me telling myself "Lizhen you are not dumb, I forgive you for what you did earlier today."
Hahahahahaha. Silly entry.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
God's gift to all (Part 2)
Communication is part of our daily lives and it comes so naturally, easily and effortlessly that we forget, it is actually a gift from God.
Sadly many of us fall into the trap of speaking harshly to the people around us. They say a picture speak a thousand words. Likewise, a word can paint a thousand pictures. So to say, a harsh word can kill and a graceful one can heal. I have to admit at times, I fall into such traps as well and say hurtful things to the people around me.
In my church, we are taught that as the beloved child of God, we have power in our mouth that what we speak of ourselves and others will eventually happen. Personally, I have to agree. Because when I speak blessings into my life, I see it happening. When I say to somebody "God bless you", I know God is blessing the person the instant the words comes out of my mouth. This is the power God gave me.
In fact, it is the power that all of us have. Studies have shown, many books have written... all about positive words, powerful effects.
So today, be a blessing to those around you.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I am... excited :)
I'm suppose to be packing for tomorrow's race. But... I'm feeling so lazy. Somehow my mind is switched off... The whole right side of my body is feeling sore and I am a right rower leh. Jesus bless me tomorrow... and everyday! haha.
Aiyoh... I'm so lazy to pack. I should just go to bed and pack tmr :p
Jesus, it doesn't matter what others said. Only Your thoughts for me matters most. Let Your will unfold itself in my daily life. Astonish me :)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Anatomy of the Knee (update of my injury)
Let me bring you through a quick lesson on the anatomy of the knee - Meniscus & VMO, so you can understand what is going on in my knee :)
Meniscus refers to the shock absorbers between the femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone). We have 2 menisci(plural) in each knee.

The medial meniscus, located at the inner aspect of the knee and the lateral meniscus located at the outer aspect of the knee. The lateral one is highly mobile, slides along with knee movements and absorb impact. The medial one moves very little as it is tightly bound to its surrounding structure as a result it is the one that is most commonly injured. One can injured the meniscus by twisting it (don't try) and having your full weight transmitted through one knee via the meniscus. Usually, this will cause a tear. I only strained mine so I guess I didn't transmit my full weight on it :p
Now, what is VMO? VMO stands for Vastus Medialis Obliquus, it is the lower part of the vastus medialis muscle / "teardrop" muscle.

The VMO fibres pulls the patella towards the medial side and prevents it from dislocating so if the VMO becomes weak there may be a tendency for the patella to be pulled to the lateral side. This is exactly what is happening to me now. My right patella is being pulled to the lateral side because my VMO is weak.
I am now undergoing rehab... eh... actually not really until after this weekend's "Gallop of the Dragons" race :p Meanwhile, I am just doing some strengthening, seeing my lovely physio once a week to get a "relaxing" sports massage to release all the tightness in my right leg.
My lovely physio will also K-tape me (look above) and I gotta wear the tubicgrip or whatever you call it plus I need to tape up my knee for any physical activity.
I had a good conversation with my lovely physio and I am beginning to understand my body better. Honestly, I am physical unfit. After "Gallops of the Dragons", I will be a good girl, do my proper rehab, strengthening, correct my posture and get myself ready for the next netball or DB season.
May the good Lord bless me :D
Introduction to the knee meniscus, Functional anatomy of the meniscus
Retrieved on May 13, 2010 from
Picture of Vastus Medialis
Retrieved on may 13, 2010 from
The patella - important anatomical relationships
Retrieved on may 13, 2010 from
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Your will... be done
By the way, the knee is so naughty today. Locking and clicking thru the day... tsk... tsk...
P.S I might be going to perth for a netball training trip from 4 Jun - 11 Jun
Friday, May 7, 2010
I will go wherever You want me to
Such a day will come and I am just waiting for everything to fall in place.
Maybe soon. 2011 perhaps or sooner.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Our little fighter

When I first set my eyes on her, I know she is special. Every session, she will sit by the side quietly, watching the class and listening earnestly to what the coach is saying. Last week, I noticed she was doing chest pass with her teacher. That day, I know I am right. She is indeed a special girl.
Today, I finally plucked up my courage, walked over and said "Hi".
Our little fighter's name is Emma. She is wheelchair bound, don't really speak clearly, wears a pair of spec with thick lens and have relatively stiff fingers. But beyond all these physical disadvantages, I saw great determination and extraordinary courage in this little girl.
I am not sure what came over me but I said to Emma, "Today, I am going to teach you how to shoot. Are you ready?" She instantly straighten up, eyes brighten, smile at me sweetly and nod her head. I explained the movements involved to her, and she started executing the movements. She struggled to get into position but as we go along, I corrected her movements and constantly remind her the key points, she was ready to proceed with the ball. When she was finally holding the ball, her face beam with excitement to release the ball and when she did, the ball was going towards the wrong direction and we both had a good laugh before trying a few more times.
We took a short break and came back again to challenge the shortest goalpost (which is up to my eye level). After several attempts, none got it. I saw a dishearten look on Emma's face and I felt a pinch in my heart. I paused the activity immediately, thought for a while, took a hula hoop, place it at my chest level and told Emma,"Now, try this instead!". Seeing the significant decrease in height, Emma got motivated and she regained the determination and courage I saw earlier. The next thing I know, within seconds, the ball traveled from her hands into the hoop I was holding. The teacher nearby and I was cheering for her! I can still remember the look of her face, it is the same happiness every child gets knowing they have put the ball through the goalpost. But for Emma, I know it meant so much more... knowing that she can do something her classmates could too.
It didn't stop there. Wanting our little fighter to be involve in the decision making, I squat down and asked her: "You will get 1 point each time the ball goes through the hoop. How much points do you want to achieve?" Our little fighter answered: "10!" I stood up quietly, noticed that her eyes are still fixed on me, I replied: "okay... Let's do 10!" and she gave me her million dollar smile.
You probably guessed it... YES... our little fighter did put in 10 shots. On top of that, I set up an aiming activity for her where she have to knock down 3 cones that is placed 3 feet away from her wheelchair. She knocked all of them down. By the end of the session, she was smiling, perspiring and that tells me that she gave her 100% into the activities. Before she leave, I whispered this into her ear: "Well done Emma, you did it all by yourself. I'm so proud of you." and Emma whispered back to me: "Thank you Ms Goh."
Little Emma amazed her teachers and me with her extraordinary will power and fighting spirit beyond our imaginations. She is my inspiration. She is a blessing, a gift of God. She is full of grace.
~May the Lord keep her, bless her, protect her and lead her today and everyday. Amen.~
By the way, Emma is only a P2 kid.
If the Lord can bless a little girl with physical disadvantages, how much more will He bless one who is physically well? Question is, do you believe He is with you, for you and will never forsake you?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Right now, I can feel the tightness of my right leg from my knee down to my ankle. Think the blood is having a hard time flowing to and fro.
Honestly, I am not worried at all. Because in Jesus name, I am healed. I know the Lord is working on it now. I trust Him that all will be good.
P.S: I am skipping Kiyah's land training later. Only going water training.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
J for Jesus
Today, I understood why I always feel spending time together with CG is neccessary. Because when lights comes together and share more word of the Lord, glorifying him, they walk away brighter and ready to do what Lord intend for them. Hallelujah!
I finally received Rock Kidz interview notification! (Rock Kidz is my church's children's ministry) I waited for about 3 weeks or longer... im not sure but during this long wait, I remember I wrote an entry about it. In that entry, I mention that I am leaving things in Jesus's hand. Let not my will but His be done.
I've not told anyone about it except Margy. Somehow there's this silent fear in my heart that I may not get through the interview so I thought when all is settled then I will inform everyone. I was telling Margy that I believe I should serve in the children ministry cos I dont think Lord made me a netball coach whose niche area is children age 5 - 10 years old for nothing. I recalled now all the children I have learned to deal with for the past 2 years... it seems to me that the Lord is preparing me.
Well, like I say before and will still continue to say and believe, Let not my will but yours be done Jesus.