Jesus is in our mist. He is the first and the last, the alpha and the omega.
He is alev-tev.
Some time ago, I received this picture of 1 Peter 3:6 "Do not give way to fear.". Which is amazing. It's like the Lord knew (Of course He knows cos He is all-knowing!) I was becoming fearful and got this verse prepared for me before the fear even came! It warms my heart knowing that the Lord knows what I am going through.

I also realized that if I continue to entertain the wrong thoughts, God's blessings will not be able to multiply in my life. In other words, I have place a limit on God's blessings in my life. Wah, Father I thank You that You have opened my eyes and make me see, spoke through Gui and is helping me to slowly open up my heart again. I'm gonna step out in faith and believe that with You, impossible is nothing for You are bigger and greater that all my fears add together. Amen.
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