Tuesday, December 20, 2011
hi tumblr bye blogspot
Sorry blogspot. Found tumblr MORE user-friendly.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Psalm 23:6

"and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."
Hey Jesus, I know I can rejoice in whatever situation I am in because of the Psalm 23:6! Amen! Surely Lord, Your goodness and Your mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Amen!
Anyway, something not too nice happened to me. God, I think when I heard the news, I almost flooded the place with my tears. Hohohohoho. So embrassing! I was just thinking maybe it happened for my protection. I dont know. Just a wild guess. hahahaha. But it is said that everything happens for a reason. For me, I know that when the time is ready, Daddy God will reveal it to me! I'm sure. Heehee. Can't wait... Because, the bigger the trial, the greater the blessings ma! Hahahaha!
Coldie woodie!

Good morning my loves! Today is a dark, grey, cold, wet morning. The sky looks heavy.. a perfect day for staying curled up and cosy in bed! What a great way to start the morning, nice and warm in bed, reading daily devotions, talking to Daddy God, praying and praising Him for His supplies for my loved ones and me today.
If someone could bring me breakfast on bed it would be so lovely. Ha! Silly me!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
5 musketeers

Jesus is in our mist. He is the first and the last, the alpha and the omega.
He is alev-tev.
Some time ago, I received this picture of 1 Peter 3:6 "Do not give way to fear.". Which is amazing. It's like the Lord knew (Of course He knows cos He is all-knowing!) I was becoming fearful and got this verse prepared for me before the fear even came! It warms my heart knowing that the Lord knows what I am going through.

I also realized that if I continue to entertain the wrong thoughts, God's blessings will not be able to multiply in my life. In other words, I have place a limit on God's blessings in my life. Wah, Father I thank You that You have opened my eyes and make me see, spoke through Gui and is helping me to slowly open up my heart again. I'm gonna step out in faith and believe that with You, impossible is nothing for You are bigger and greater that all my fears add together. Amen.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
1 John 4:18
Better & Happier

We just ended out last session for TKN (The Kids Network)! I'm so proud to say that through the months, our girls have improved in their motor skills, made new friends and gain confidence through successful game play!
All these reminded me of Mother Teresa's quote: "Let no one come to you without leaving better and happier."
We certainly did it! Praise the Lord! By His grace, all glory to Him!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Our constant fight (or maybe just mine!)

A grandfather sitting with his grandchildren told them, In life there is a terrible fight- a fight between two wolves. One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity resentment, and deceit.The other is good:he is joy, serenity, humility, confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, compassion. A child asked, “Grandfather, which wolf will win?” The elder looked him in the eye.“The one you feed.
Story extracted from "Pure Nourishment"
Photo by Nikkiburr
Reading this made me realized how much I have been feeding the evil wolf. Time to feed on the good wolf. How about you? Which wolf are you feeding? :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Hello Dec :)

Showers of favor and blessings upon me :)

Snap a photo of Team Singapore that can't even see SB. I'm a champion! LOL.
This year I told myself, by hook or by crook, I MUST watch Nations Cup!!! To support Simpang Bedok and Team Singapore!!! Wooohooo!!! Anyway, Nations Cup this year is freaking exciting! Singapore had a lead start in the competition winning Sri Lanka, PNG and Namibia. We lost to Fiji but won Malaysia and made it to finals where we had to play Fiji again!€ Singapore fought hard and emerge 2nd! So proud of Team Singapore and my dear friend! Looking forward to next year! Hopefully by then I will have my camera and dear Daddy God, make sure Simpang Bedok remain in the teamn injury-free and have loads of court time! <3
Phew! Know what, it's been such a tiring week for me. Looking forward to good quality rest soon! Been coaching EVERDAY this school holidays! Except sundays of course! Ha! And with Christmas around the corners, Rock Kids decor preperations is stepping up too! Been going to church office, getting materials, praying, meeting up with the decor team and putting my artay fartsy skills into good use (I hope)! Ha! Thank God man, with all these going on, I still managed to make it for Nations Cup games! Only thing was after finals I had to rush off and didn't get to take a nice decent photo with SB :(
A little sad. But its okay cos I know that doesn't make me less as a friend! Ha! Hope my dear friend gets a good rest and catch up with all that she needs to!
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