Friday, October 28, 2011

Trials changed me.

When my life is filled with demands or when something is taken away from me against my will, I know, that's a trial. And I totally HATE them! They make my life miserable! They make me feel EMO like crap!

But over the years, I guess I have learned to embrace trials! And the part I LOVE the most is - the bigger the trial, the greater the blessings!!! Yipee!!!

And so, trials changed me and made me stronger in Christ which led to:
FAITH - believing that I have receieved all God's promises in Christ before seeing it manifest in my life :)
HOPE - reading God's word have this effect of hopfulness!
PEACE - knowing that Jesus is working for my good, gives me supernatural shalom the world cannot give! Praise Jesus!
WISDOM - Somehow, with peace & rest, I was able to make better decisions.
FAVOR - by God's grace, I just find favor with the people involved in my trials. It's amazing, it's supernatural, it's outta this world... I know, it must be Jesus. Who else? LOL.
GRATITUDE - the more goodness I see in my life, the more thankful I am for Ps Prince's ministry that unveil Jesus, His finished work on the cross & all the blessings He died to give me.

Every trial made me run to Him more & more, see His supplies more & more, receieve His goodness more & more. Simply grace upon grace. Everyday, I'm relying on this.

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