Monday, November 15, 2010

wrong direction

I realized today I am looking, planning and moving in the wrong direction.

Anyway, I finally broke the news to company that I've temporary stopped schooling until I sort out what I really want for myself. Or I should put it this way... What God wants for me. I want it to come effortlessly because only then, it is from God and I know Daddy loves me too much to keep me waiting. It will come to me soon.

Coaching is going up to my neck. Thank you Daddy for the never ending favor upon me. I had a quick conversation with Leslie about work last Sunday & he reminded me that I can pray that my company will raise another me. I was like: "AMEN!".

For so long my company have open up a vaccany for a same post as my job. I've also been looking out for possible candidate to take up this post. Last Sunday, I realized I haven't really prayed about raising another me. It's impossible to get someone in & immediately take up a post like mine. It takes alot of training. I myself took about a year to be able to go around coaching on my own with good quality.

I've been too concern about asking people and looking out for potential coaches. Somehow I guess God dont work this way. Thank you Daddy for speakin to me through Leslie. I believe that You are a God of abundunce. You are more that what I can ever imagine. And I know there is nothing You can't do or provide. I come to You boldly in Christ knowing that in time to come You will provide for my company the suitable candidate for this post. You will raise another me in my company and You will show me who it is. It will be effortless for me to see and know because it is from You, my loving & caring Daddy God. Amen.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

it's not goodbye, it is just the beginning!

Today, is the last day of internship for Keshia. I realized I didn't introduced her the last time I blogged about this. Anyway, Keshia, is the NYP intern attached to my company... or rather, to me.

Thinking through, all that had happened that seems so overwhelming at that point of time, now don't matter anymore. At least for me, I know I have done all that is within my human effort. For Keshia, I am sure it must be quite an experience. How this experience will impact her & probably affect her decision making skills in future, I don't know. But this is always the case. We will never know the impact of education until later on in life. Especially, work & life skills. All we can do is to hold on to our faith & trust in God that what He made possible is always there for a good cause & for a better future.

The last 2 months have been great for me. I've learned new things about myself. I am very thankful to Daddy God for such an opportunity to witness the amount of grace He showers onto me that I may bless others with it. Thank you Daddy God. You're awesome!

*quiet time with Daddy*

Daddy God, thank you for put Keshia with us for the last 2 months. She's been a great help and blessing to me. Daddy, I thank you for putting the right words into my mouth at the right time during this period of time that uplift Keshia and help her see Your love for her. Daddy, as Keshia goes back to school for her last semester of her polytechnic education, I bring her before You & commit her to You. Surround Keshia with Your favor like shield and give her supernaturally strength and energy to complete her education. Daddy God, guide and cause the right people to be with Keshia for all her project work. Give her the wisdom to understand her modules with crystal clear clarity and what ever she study, let it be the exam questions. Daddy God, shower her with Your blessings because she is Your beloved and cause her to bless those around her. Daddy God, I know that You have gone ahead of us and in Your word, You say that the future is very very good. I trust in You Daddy God and all these I ask in Jesus's precious lovely name. Amen.